This Weeks Specials and Snacks

Week of March 2nd
Mon. Music/Karli
Tues. Katee
Wed. Lia
Thurs. P.E./Liam
Fri. Early Dismissal 10:30-12:00

(remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. day!)

This Month:
Social Studies/Science

St. Patrick's Day/Insects

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sing Like No One Can Hear You!!!

I thought it would be fun to post the words to the adorable songs the kids are learning each week. That way as parents we can sing right along with our little kindergartners!! So get out your singing voices and enjoy!


to the tune of Frere Jacques
(Are you Sleeping)
R-e-d red, r-e-d red
I can spell red,
I can spell red
Fire trucks are red
stop signs are red too
r-e-d, r-e-d

(To the tune of The Farmer in the Dell)
B-l-u-e spells blue,
b-l-u-e spells blue
Hi ho did you know,
b-l-u-e spells blue
The big sky is blue the ocean is too
hi ho did you know
b-l-u-e spells blue

(To the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
G-r-e-e-n, g-r-e-e-n,
I know how to spell green,
Caterpillars are green and grasshoppers too
I know how to spell green, g-r-e-e-n

Number Songs

(To the tune of This Old Man)
O-n-e, that spells one
O-n-e spells number one
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
O-n-e spell one again o-n-e,
that spells one
there is one moon and one sun the sun shines all day
and the moon comes out at night
one head, one bed, sweat dreams, sleep tight

(To the tune of Do You Know the Muffin
T-w-o, that spells two
t-w-o spells number two
twins and pairs and doubles too
these things come in twos
that spells two
t-w-o spells number two
two ears, two arms, two legs,
two shoes put them all together could this be you?

(To the tune of Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow)
t-h-r-e-e spells three
three triangles I can see
they have three sides and sail the sea
t-h-r-e-e spells three
t-h-r-e-e spells three,
three pigs, three bears, three mice
I see they're in the stories that we read
t-h-r-e-e spells three

Month Song
(to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle)
January is the first
February's heart might burst
March right on 'til April's here
May and June, you're halfway there
Lots of swimming in July
Don't let August pass you by
September sees the start of school
October can be very cool
Then November comes our way
In December we can say
One whole year has come and gone
Now we know our twelve month song.
(Thanks Lynn for sending them ♥Ü♥ )

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